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Saint Paul, MN Driving Tips and Experiences

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Is a car necessary in Saint Paul?
Must have
Nice to have
You can get by without
Don't really need one
No need at all
Saint Paul, MN
Saint Paul, MN Driving Tips
Make sure your GPS is up to date, get good directions, or have a resident in the car with you. The streets are not named or numbered in any particular order, and it's easy to get lost if you don't know where you're going.
Saint Paul, MN Buying Tips
The main concentration of car dealers is on Highway 61, north of St. Paul. This is the place to go for the widest selection of new and used vehicles. We have a Kia Soul, purchased at Barnett Kia, and can strongly recommend that dealership. Dealers are closed on Sundays, so that's the best day to drive around and stroll the lots without being bothered by salesmen. Once you've made your selection you can come back on Monday and make your best deal.
Favorite driving memory
Highway 5 leads east from St. Paul to Stillwater, on the St. Croix River. It is a two lane road that runs over rolling hills, past houses and farm fields. It slopes downhill, giving a series of great views over the countryside. One fall day I was cruising on Highway 5. The sun was shining, the sky clear, and the trees had fully turned colors, creating a spectacular effect as I drove through the day.
Favorite road
Summit Avenue. Summit Avenue is the premier drive in St. Paul. It's lined with mature trees and many large houses, including the Governor's mansion. We love to drive west on Summit in the late afternoon, when the sunlight is at just the right angle to show off all the architectural details and beautiful landscaping. It's a steady 30 mph cruise, the street busy with joggers and bicyclists as well as other cars, and everyone is in a good mood. In the fall it's even more beautiful as the leaves turn, and wintertime is highlighted by the many fanciful displays residents create for everyone's enjoyment.
Saint Paul, MN
Saint Paul, MN Driving Tips
Be aware of where the roadwork is, and the detours you might have to take. I have a really hard time with the detours still, and can get very nervous and flustered when trying to figure things out. So I guess ultimately just familiarize yourself with the roads, and you'll be fine.
Saint Paul, MN Buying Tips
I don't really know anything about buying a car in Saint Paul, as I've only ever owned one car, and that was purchased in California from craigslist. Craigslist can be kind of iffy, but I imagine you'd get a car that can withstand the weather conditions here, whereas buying a car in California and knowing I would be taking it to Minnesota, I had to have a rather strict and limited search.
Favorite driving memory
I've only just moved here, so I don't have a lot of "highlights" yet -- and honestly, I'm a little afraid to drive in the city, and prefer to walk everywhere I can. And I commute every day OUT of the city. However, every day, I leave my house before six-thirty, and it's so lovely and quiet, I can roll the windows down, feel the cool breeze, and not have to worry about someone getting annoyed at me on the road.
Favorite road
Ayd Mill Road. I like this road because it seems to get you just about anywhere -- including where I commute to everyday, a town about fifteen minutes away. It's not a freeway, but it's also not right through the middle of the city. It's scenic, and often quiet at the right time of day.