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Springfield, MA Driving Tips and Experiences

Autolist Poll
Is a car necessary in Springfield?
Must have
Nice to have
You can get by without
Don't really need one
No need at all
Springfield, MA
Springfield, MA Driving Tips
If you can, stick to the main roads and freeways. Avoid downtown Springfield proper and West Springfield. There are a lot of back roads in downtown, and the environment makes you feel very unsafe. (Springfield is a bit of a ghetto neighborhood). Stick to the highways, and keep your windows and doors locked.
Springfield, MA Buying Tips
Do research online about dealerships in the area, and go to a certified auto dealership, if possible. Many people who use craigslist or any sort of back-woods dealer end up getting into trouble with the cars they buy and with the dealers themselves. (I've heard more than one shady experience be shared).
Favorite driving memory
I think one of my favorite memories of driving in and through Springfield is one night in the Fall of 2015, I believe somewhere in October. I was driving with my roommate, and another friend from college, and we were on our way to spend the weekend in a hotel, just to have a girls' weekend. It was a Friday night, and everyone was in a great mood. We had music going in the car, and we were on the freeway. The sun was just finally disappearing, and the lights of downtown Springfield were practically sparkling. There was also no traffic, a rarity in the state of Massachusetts. It was a very carefree night, and a fun drive.
Favorite road
Interstate 91 - 391. I really love freeway driving, and I-91 to I-391 is one of the main highways in the state of Massachusetts. There are multiple lanes, so it's easy to weave in and out of traffic if you need to get somewhere. It's also a great time to just put your foot on the gas pedal and cruise on the open road, which is one of my favorite things about driving. Once the interstates merge, you have a long stretch of road all to yourself, where I usually play music and clear my head.
Springfield, MA
Springfield, MA Driving Tips
Best advice I can give to someone that hasn't driven there before is to drive carefully because there's a lot of traffic and weird turns people make out of no where. So, just be aware of your surroundings.
Springfield, MA Buying Tips
I believe the best place to buy a car where they are most consistent and trustworthy is Balise Honda in Springfield. You could go the craigslist route but there's a lot of hidden scams there you have to watch out for. Sure you may get a bigger bang for your buck but assurance is the way to go. This is why I usually side with Balise.
Favorite driving memory
My favorite memory from driving in this city is when there was a snowstorm. It was a difficult drive but overall an experience that I wont forget. I was driving and trying to maintain control of my car, but with the snow on the road it became harder and harder to keep it in line. I almost ran into 5 other oncoming cars. It was probably the most memorable because afterwards I felt like I nearly died. I ended up taking a rest at the mass pike shortly after, mainly because my heart was racing.
Favorite road
Main Street. This road is particularly great because of all the restaurants near by and stores in the surrounding area.