2 Honda Civic results
Honda Civic Anchorage, AK OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Anchorage, Alaska
I enjoyed driving this car for the time I had it.
I enjoyed the size of the vehicle. Five seater with a great size trunk. The body on it was sleek, and it was a great ride even for an older vehicle. It handled great on the road in all types of weather. Great in the summer months, fast but not scary fast. Just fast enough. Driving this in the winter was a breeze. It seemed like it had the perfect weight to keep it from getting stuck in the ice and snow living in Alaska. I never had one problem driving, steering, stopping or going no matter how crazy the weather was. I liked the size mostly because maneuvering it in and out of small parking spaces or at the grocery store was way easier than some of the other vehicles I have driven. For an older car, one would expect it to be falling apart inside and out, but it was an all around great ride. Easy to care for, cheap to fix and the upkeep was easy to do myself which I really enjoyed. For such a small vehicle, it really accommodated my three daughters and all the stuff they seem to always have. If they had a friend come over or we had a big day shopping, there was more than plenty of room in the trunk to put things. The back seat was very roomy, for it being so small. It was a small one but big enough for my three growing daughters and their backpacks and all their extra things. It was the perfect size for the four of us.
Anchorage, Alaska
Honda Civic - It's still the car of the year for me
I bought my Honda Civic ES new in 1996 when co-workers insisted I sell my beloved 1989 Honda Wagovan to them. I did extensive research and comparison between various Honda makes as well as Toyota and Subaru models. The 1996 Honda Civic was named "Car of the Year" which influenced me, but I also found that driving it was fun and comfortable since I've always preferred smaller cars.
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