97 Honda Accord results
Honda Accord Lincoln, NE OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Lincoln, Nebraska
The car that makes me nostalgic about college
My Honda Accord was my second car and my first manual car. My first car was an automatic and when I was shopping for my second car, I really wanted to get a stick shift. I bought the car in cash, used with the help of my older brother who had found a private owner who was selling it. I was really excited because it was going to be my first manual transmission vehicle. Stick shifts are so much fun to drive and that was the one thing I loved about it. It was small and low and zippy. It was fast and just the perfect car for me and my personality. I also loved the fact that it was a Honda. Honda has a given reputation for making great quality cars and I was proud to own it. The interior and exterior body of the car was clean and hardly had any blemishes, considering old the car was at the time of purchase. I think the car was already about 7 or 8 years old when I had bought it. It was an '88 and I think I bought it in '95 or '96. I was going to college and needed a car to drive. I didn't have a lot of money then so I bought it used. I also liked that it was a four door. My previous car was a two door and I thought that I a tad annoying when I had passengers going in and out of my car. So I specially was looking for a four door. Honestly, the car ran well. It didn't rattle and it wasn't loud. I did however have problems with the car. Whenever it was slightly cold or cool outside in the mornings or when I first start my car, the exhaust would produce this seriously massive, thick, white smoke that would last several minutes. It was embarrassing. The smoke was so thick and heavy that it was hard to see through it. And I remember people staring and looking at me with concerned expressions. When I was driving, the smoke would practically cloud the views of people driving behind me. After about 2-3 long minutes of smoke fumigating out of the tailpipe the smoke would dissipate. I didn't know that this car would produce this much smoke when I purchased the car because when I went to test drive the car, it was in the middle of the day and it was warm, and my brother and I had met the seller in a parking lot. So the seller had drove the car to the meeting destination. I had the car for about 5 years and towards the end I was having problems with it. The transmission went out and the clutch went out and I couldn't afford to keep fixing the car so I sold it so someone who was willing to buy the car while it was not running. The interesting part was that, about 4 or 5 years after I got rid of my car, I met and dated a man who owned the exact model but only 1 or 2 years newer and his car did the same thing. It created a smoke bomb for several minutes when the temperature was cool or cold but unlike myself who thought that the fumigated smoke was embarrassing, he thought it was hilarious! He thoughts that it was funny that his car created a 'smoke bomb' (he called it) that blinded drivers behind him. None the less, although I did have problems with my Accord, I do still think that they are great cars.
Lincoln, Nebraska
A And B Auto Sales Lincoln
1998 Honda 856
It was close to my house
Good selection of vehicles
Great customer service
Beautiful dealership
Great prices
Lincoln, Nebraska
Honda Of Lincoln
2002 Honda 856
The dealership salesman was very professional and polite. Really cared about my decision.