11 Kia Rondo results
Marshalltown, Iowa
A great family vehicle
This has been one of the best cars I have ever owned. I have driven this car for five years, and I'm still in love with it to this day. I purchased the car used with 60,000 miles on it, and we are almost to 200,000 miles. I haven't had to dump a lot of money into the car - just normal wear and tear repairs. It is large enough to pack enough supplies to camp in Colorado for a week with my family and our two dogs. There are a lot of windows and no blind spots which is huge when driving across country with my family.
Manchester, New Hampshire
Great reliable vehicle!
I have driven this vehicle almost 200,000 miles. The inside does get dirty fairly easy because it is cloth. I did break some of the speakers to the radio. Besides that, the key ignition is great as has never let me down! Performance is great especially on the highway. Styling is more for a mom or women that like to travel, It looks more like a girl would drive the car. The style is like a minivan/long car SUV-type of look. It has always got me from point A to B. I have never broke down. The fuel goes fast because it is a V6, and it does cost a lot of money to fill up all the way. I feel like in the end it is worth it though. The trunk is great to hold a ton of stuff. Especially for a mother like me with a stroller and a bunch of groceries/diaper bag. It can fit it all. Overall, I would recommend this car to anyone!