49 Toyota Yaris results
Arlington, Massachusetts
Economic car that is reliable.
This is a great car if you want to get from point A to B without paying much for your car. If you want luxury, this is not the car for you. The Yaris gets great mileage, whether in the city or on the highway. I drive on the highway to get to work and often get 35+ MPG. The reliability is great for the car - I've had to make repairs but most are straightforward and expected for my car. It's over 10 years old and has over 120,000 miles on it. A great feature is the use of a timing chain, which should last the life of the car, as opposed to a timing belt, which needs to be changed and can cause lots of damage if it breaks. Overall, this is a great reliable car that is very efficient with gas. Can't ask for more if you want a basic means of transportation without spending too much money.
Piedmont, South Carolina
Reliable Cheap Car
When purchasing this car, I was immediately (as a female) drawn to the exterior image of the car. I grew up liking small cars like the Volkswagen Beetle, but knew that a VW wasn't exactly in the price range my family could afford when I began looking for a car. When I found the Toyota Yaris, it's small compact shape was one the things that immediately drew it to me. This car came in a variety of bright colors, and seemed to be a cheaper substitute for the types of cars that I was interested in. For $15,000 I was able to purchase a brand new car vs. purchasing a used car for that amount. This car doesn't have all of the bells and whistles of others, but it is a car that is reliable in all that it offers. From gas mileage on, this car has served me well since purchase for 7 years without a hint of problem. For its small size, it has held up very well during a car accident that I had and has not had to have any repairs other than the ones incurred by me in said accident. With proper car maintenance, this car is one that will stick with you.