42 Subaru Outback results
2005 Subaru Outback OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Los Angeles, California
We've really enjoyed owning this Subaru for the few years we've had it. This car has gotten us through Colorado winters and traveled even more west to the desert in California. We've taken it off road through Utah, and it's climbed some serious mountains. It is such a well-rounded car, and Subaru didn't skimp on the quality. Go all in for the ultimate package—you won't be disappointed.
Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Absolutely solid car!
I've only had this particular car for six months, and so far so good. Have been pleasantly surprised with the gas mileage (typically averaging 27-29 mpg). Performance is adequate for my needs, though I can certainly understand why some folks say they are underpowered. No mechanical issues that I have found in the approximate 10,000miles that I've driven so far. Petty good in my opinion for a car with 160,000 miles . I assume the previous owner took pretty good care of it, no signs I could find of any mechanical issues, but indications of routine maintenance. If there is any are where I feel it is lacking, it would have to be in the quality of the interior. Was not impressed when the drivers seat cover tore the first evening I owned it. But, it is a 14-year-old-car, so perhaps I expected too much. Not impressed with the seating - hard to find what I consider a comfortable seating position for a long trip, always fiddling with the booster adjustment. May look at adding padding, etc., when I recover the seat. However, will admit to being biased , my previous car was a Chrysler LHS- its seats felt like you were in a comfy recliner.