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Orlando, FL Driving Tips and Experiences
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Is a car necessary in Orlando?
Orlando, FL
When you are driving in a city, big or small, it goes without saying that you should pay attention to the road but in addition to that be attentive to pedestrians and aggressive drivers that have their sense of urgency too high on their agenda that the are will to cause and accident and cut in front of you. You can either be a affirmative drive, a cautious driver or an pleasant drive, how ever you slice it get there safely. Accidents happen, just don't be apart of it because you don t want the hassle of phone call, drama, headache, time spent in addition to the busy streets of cities. While you are out their pedestrians run across the street all the time trying to get places, even with children in their hand, a stroller, maybe both, just watch out. Watch your rear end for close calls there will be a lot but don't worry I'm sure you are a safe drive that's why you're reading this for an extra tip. So you are supposed to be remembering that you share the road with may different characters and that patients is a virtue, your going to need it where your going in the city, good luck.
Ok so if you would like to buy a car and you are in the city you should best buy a car with your own out of pocket money from and owner that is selling their car for less. Perhaps you have good taste and can spot the great qualities of a car that is within your budget. Do not finance a car from a dealer but save yourself some money and look for your car amongst the pretty cars on craigslist. Make sure to equip the search filter settings to "on sale by owner" and you have the option of entering a money range amount. Pick a car that you know can get you from point "A" to point "B", plus has a bright and beautiful color to admire. The best kinds of car are the durable ones that can keep running on even if you have low gas. At least the car can turn over and go, if you were to get a fancy car and it be a dud in your time of need then you will be calling out of work from the terrible inconvenience and that will cost you time and money. Craigslist is the best because there is so may people out there looking for affordable good things, such as a car to get somewhere.
My favorite memory of the city is the gleeful anticipation of where I'm going to get to. I don't go often because of the traffic but the fact that I'm going someplace great always maters, I mean the destination is the best part last time I went out it was to the bob Marley club in Orlando in the universal resort. I was so excited, I was looking up at the stars as if it was a magical fairy land with far off tales of wonder and I couldn't wait to get there. I had the music blowing and my boyfriend and I were just going there for the first time. I kept thinking if its such a great experience we might go there again but I super happy to be going there ever! I wearing a beautiful dress ready for dancing and as I was watching the road, I felt that the road going there looked ripe for entertaining like as if it was "the yellow brick road" with out the yellow color needed. Yea me! I could see other people driving too and they looked excited too like we had the same great thing in mind. It was all stop and go traffic but that didn't bother me any, I was knowing that I was getting little but surely getting there.
Interstate 4. I like the Interstate 4 be cause I think it is so versatile and gets you anywhere you need to go on a great budget, nothing I can go up and down Interstate 4 all day and not get tired. There are so many cool places you can see just next store. There's a lovely big park, a mall and lots of blue water just out side your window. Its like you have a large selection of options just within arms reach so you can encourage yourself to be a social butterfly. I would so get creative and invite friends to a gathering at a few of these great attractions. I think the Road is spacious and reasonable in driving with or around others. I know that with this road I can go long and far and get places. I have loads of fun and when people need me I can get to them in a snap, don't tell anyone I might have been speeding lol. I tell you what, I enjoyed writing this essay on favorite places but not as much as I just love driving the open road... Ok not that much open road, I just like driving this road cause its nice. (^_^)
Orlando, FL
Pay great attention while driving! Orlando has a particularly nasty driving reputation for a number of reasons. It is definitely a driving city, not a lot of pedestrians, but Orlando has one of the highest pedestrian death by automobile accident rates in the country. Because of the long list of attractions Orlando offers, the biggest being Disney World, Orlando receives many, many tourists. Tourists, often from out of state and many from out of country, are unfamiliar with the city, the state or country's laws, and are driving in unfamiliar rental cars. The city is also home to one of the country's largest populated colleges, University of Central Florida, with many new and inexperienced drivers. Please be alert when driving in this city. There are many driving risks.
I bought my car outside of Orlando in Sarasota, Florida. I would not recommend the strip of car dealerships down Orange Blossom Trail Boulevard. The area is notably rough and sketchy. I would recommend the car dealerships in Altamonte Springs down Semoran Boulevard. If you are looking for high end dealerships, there are many around The Millennia Mall.
Most of the greater Orlando area, like the rest of Florida, is pretty industrialized. A lot of the roads and highways are frequently under construction, there are always new developments being built, and because of that, you don't see a lot of greenery. Not long after I first moved to Orlando, I was going to visit a new friend in the Winter Park area. I was driving down Aloma Avenue, going past the usual shopping centers, when suddenly... trees! The shopping centers disappeared as I entered the older part of the city. Between the houses, I could catch glimpses of the lake. It was beautiful and especially memorable because I had not known this part of town had existed. It was a great surprise. I would later find other parts of the city that were similar, hidden gems, but this was my first encounter and remains my favorite.
Aloma Avenue meets Fairbanks Avenue. My favorite road to drive is probably the one I most often drive. Orange Avenue leads to almost anywhere you would want to go in Orlando. It begins as a road split from Fairbanks Avenue, by my first home in Winter Park, and takes you past little shops and restaurants near downtown Winter Park. It snakes past residential neighborhoods by signs that warn to slow down, and wiggles down through the College Park area by my favorite bars. Once Orange Avenue passes Colonial, it enters Downtown and turns into the Orange Ave. most people know with clubs, bars, and tall office buildings. After downtown, it leads you through the older part of Orlando, past factory roads and other forgotten parts of town. I don't think I have ever seen the end of the road, which is maybe why I like it so much. It could truly lead you anywhere if you let it.