246 Ford Taurus results
Miami, Florida
Great looks, horrible car.
I love how big it is. It is a full size sedan that looks very intimidating. I would say it has a tough elegance that is hard to find.
Besides the look it all goes down hill form there. The car has plenty of horsepower but the acceleration takes a while. Once its gets going it will go but it does take more then other similar cars I've owned. It feels far worse to drive then something like a Camry, and getting it fixed and services for the issues its had has not been a pleasant experience with the ford dealerships.
Oak Lawn, Illinois
Good but not great
The car definitely has power from its dual turbos. It has good acceleration and decent top end speed. The car handles very well for how big it is. The interior is spacious, and the trunk is huge. The dash is laid out fairly intuitively as well. There are controls on the steering wheel, which allow for most control of things. There are neat little features like LED light controls, which you can change the color of. The audio system is pretty good for being stock. It does lack a bit in bass however. The AWD allows me to get around in the snow, and it grips the road really well. There is rarely slippage. The leather seats are good quality. They are perforated which is good for longevity, even though tiny specs of dust get trapped in them from time to time. The car for the most part is attractive. The front end especially is well designed. Back end looks a little clunky but still not too bad. Plenty of power accessories to plug in your electronics. This is a fairly good price for affordable American horsepower.